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My Friend Dahmer (2017)

A young Jeffrey Dahmer struggles to belong in high school.


Marc Meyers


Marc Meyers, Derf Backderf (based on the book My Friend Dahmer by)


Ross Lynch, Alex Wolff, Anne Heche

I must confess i really loved this film. totally awkward goodness.. you really got a sense of how much of a nutjob this kid could become. The amazing part is how touched in the head his mother was and how his father, seeing the signs of craziness in Jeff,never really did much about any of it. denial i suppose... this flick won quite a few awards, best picture in the Austin Fantastic Fest was one of them. now if youre looking for a balls to the wall action film or a horror fest, this isnt the film for that. just remember is a film about a serial killer coming of age,making friends,and stripping the flesh off of road kill animals in his make shift lab in the woods. its about a town that didnt know what they were raising, or allowing to "find his way" to what we all know he eventually becomes. This also to me is a preview of what seems to be going on in society today with the youth of America. A disconnect between whats right and wrong. A disregard for human life on all levels. Unfortunately i believe this trend will continue. But i digress..... check out the trailer below for this little gem of a film. I think youll dig it.

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