Other Halves - Futurist Horror genius

Other Halves stars Lauren Lakis (Rows, Dr Ken) and Mercedes Manning (Strictly Sexual, Zipper) as programmers who develop a revolutionary new dating app called Other Halves. On the night before the app is set to launch, they discover it causes strange side effects: users lose all self-control, becoming amoral, lascivious, violent, evil. They consider shutting the app down, but… Evil is profitable.

What i love about this film is that it mixes scifi and horror . the acting is suburb and it just was a great vision for a movie over all. as we all know our society's dependence on technology is continuing to grow at such a rapid pace, we really don't know what will be the next "cant live with out " new thing released to us. Other Halves fits right into the mold of that. It has a dark,creepy ,even sexy vibe as we get deeper into the story. Hats off to Matthew T Price and Kelly Morr for writing and directing this gem of a film. what I really think i enjoyed most about Other Halves is the story line flowing together nicely, and the character interaction. Great acting from everyone so kudos to them for stellar performances. The talented Lauren Lakis did an amazing job creating a believable,likable character. I cant say enough good things about her in this film.
So what do we have? beautiful women getting ready to launch a dating app that will revolutionize how people get matched up. The app however has a few "bugs" to work out and we soon realize most of our cast of characters will end up bloody and in body bags before long. Now you all know i dont give a play by play, blow by blow account of the movies i review, I can say this however. It is nice to see a collection of talented people,a great story idea and script, and some great special effects, pull together and create a film like this. Very pleased that i got to check it out.

Please take the Time to check out the trailer or you can Rent or Buy on Google or amazon.
Watch the complete film now! Google Play: http://bit.ly/2dZ9FX0 Amazon Video: http://amzn.to/2cQOfGB