A Mark Dossett Film
Starring : Shannon Scott , Jacob Bradley,Jason Abbott, Mark Dossett
Directed By: Mark Dossett
Written By: Mark Dossett

Honestly, I cant say enough good things about this film. it has a retro vibe which i enjoy because I grew up on 80s horror flicks. So we have Laurie Ann, played brilliantly by Shannon Scott. She is a natural talent and kept things interesting throughout the movie for sure. Its easy to see why she won an award for Best Actress with her mix of Beauty,blood Curdling screams, and even at times comedic genius. The Story line is really solid too so hats off to Mark Dossett for hitting one out of the park with his vision. As usual I will give you a quick run down of how things start out and then let you discover the rest when you watch the film. So we have our girl Laurie who suffers from Agoraphobia , which for those who didn't pay attention in psych class, is a fear of being outside or otherwise being in a situation from which one either cannot escape or from which escaping would be difficult or humiliating. She is at home, relaxing and doing her thing, and then strange things start to happen. She gets scared of course and calls for help and the terror trip begins. So we have a Hot girl, home alone, and someone who is tormenting her. This is a classic time warp back to when horror was a fun filled gore fest. Hats off to everyone involved in this film. it's simply awesome.

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