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The Darkness (2016)

A family returns from a Grand Canyon vacation, haunted by an ancient supernatural entity they unknowingly awakened and engages them in a fight for their survival.


Greg McLean (as Greg Mclean)


Shayne Armstrong, Shane Krause


Kevin Bacon, Radha Mitchell, David Mazouz

So just when you thought it was safe to back into the water, Kevin Bacon comes in and sucker punches you with another supernatural thriller. So what happens? Well, insert one mentally challenged Boy,Reminds me of myself as a kid,poking at stuff that need not be poked at or taken home, but i digress.... anyway our young man finds himself in a hole in the ground in the desert somewhere while camping. Yes his big Sister

was supposed to be watching him but you know how that goes.... anyway he finds some stones with carvings on them, scoops them up, and they all head home....

That is when some weird shit starts happening to our family. Now i found this movie to be pretty good overall but it did take awhile to get going. Sort of slow and predictable but not bad for another one of these supernatural thriller type films. Now the actors were as good as you would expect them to be since we've seen them around Hollywood for thirty plus years now. Kevin bacon is a long long way from cutting Footloose but still manages to keep you cemented into the film. How time flies....... OK so check out the trailer below. I'm going to give this a thumbs up but its really just your run of the mill recycled plot.

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