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The Witch (2015) A New-England Folktale

A family in 1630s New England is torn apart by the forces of witchcraft, black magic and possession.


Robert Eggers


Robert Eggers


Anya Taylor-Joy, Ralph Ineson, Kate Dickie

Ok so I was talking with my better half immediately after we watched this and i said i was going to give this a bad review. I have had some time to sleep on it and it did change my mind a little bit. As you can tell by the title there is a witch involved and she is a nasty one too. She steals a young baby from our God fearing family and basically uses the poor little guy as some sort of skin cream...... if you're not into babies being harmed then don't watch it. They don't show anything graphic but i found the whole scene very off putting. So my movie quote if i had to come up with one would be "an off putting trip to somewhere we shouldn't be.."

Moving on, The mother is obviously destroyed by the loss of her child and the family unit seems to be at odds with each other more and more as the movie goes on. without ruining anymore of the story, you've got witchcraft,the devil,a pissed off goat,and a wacky mother. This isn't an ordinary mother,this is Kate Dickie,whom you may know as Lysa Arryn from Game of thrones. She is a little crazy in that too but i digress.... Ive never been a huge fan of witch stories or movies that have no hope scenarios but this does have some merit because it dives into what life was like when people did believe that spells and witchcraft existed. This goes back to anyone standing up to the church and or authority figures being labelled as witches and burned or drowned. There is one thing that i already knew but was reaffirmed after watching this flick, never and i mean never trust a fucking goat....

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